Flower Girls

Flower Girls

Animated TV Series
Early Stage Development

Join four close friends, girls aged 9 to 11, as they embark on a musical journey of self-discovery and friendship. In this high-energy animated TV series designed for children aged 6 and up, the girls form a school band and compose songs inspired by their everyday lives as tweens. From dealing with pimples to navigating friendships, “Flower Girls” celebrates the joys and challenges of growing up.

The band’s name, “Flower Girls,” is a nod to the girls’ own names, all of which are inspired by flowers. Together, they set their sights on the ultimate prize: winning the great song competition that will be held at the end of the year. Along the way, they learn valuable lessons about teamwork, perseverance, and the power of music to bring people together.

With engaging storylines, upbeat music, and lovable characters, “Flower Girls” is a heartwarming tale that celebrates the spirit of tween friendship. Join us on this exciting journey and experience the joy of music and friendship!